Built to a George Holmes design by William Clements in 1988, this compelling canoe yawl is for sale on ebay. William Clements is a long established builder of small craft and is known for his attention to detail. Take a kook at the photos here. John, the owner, was kind enough to send me photos of the boat as ebay has implemented new software which no longer allows direct downloading of photos from their site. John was also kind enough to send along some particulars on his exquisite little craft. John spoke to William Clements about what it would cost to build one of these today and the estimate was in the$20k range! The original Holme's boat was Ethel, and is a point in the evolutionary chain which eventually led to the larger Humber yawls as developed by Holmes and his contemporary Albert Strange. A recent publication by the fledgling Loderstar Books treats Holmes and his designs at length. I have yet to read it but it's on my list.
The owner lists her attributes:
Nord Vinden
Lug Rigged Canoe Yawl 13’, beam: 4’
Folding caned seat for use when rowing, Shaw and Tenney oars with
leathers, coppertips, black locust tiller, boomkin, yokes and cleats -
bronze oarlocks, pintal, gudgeons and fastenings - cherry stems,
cockpit coaming, king planks - ash and spruce deck framing - mahogany
rub rails - sapele maring plywood bulkheads - bruynzeel mahogany
marine plywood hull - teak deck - 340 lbs, designed by George Holmes
(1888), built by William J. Clements in 1988, includes trailer and
cover, garage kept, 100 square ft sail area, folding bronze keel,
draws 6 inches/2 feet, flip up rudder, excellent condition, would cost
$20,000 plus to build today according to builder.
The auction ends April 14, the 5k reserve has not been met, so here's your chance to own a modern/classic at 1/4 the price.
Random Tugs 447
4 hours ago
Pure boat porn - I want one!
Max, I'm sure shipping to the UK is easily arranged! :)
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