Here's Aron captured in theTuamoutas by Liz Clark, no date. Liz is a surfer and sailor travelling around the world in seach of the best breaks.

foto Szabo Geza (Rotorman), courtesy Aron Medon
Aron Meder, a young Hungarian, and his Swiss built 6 meter sloop Carina are sailing around the world.Mr. Creed O'Hanlon sent me this photo and I was intrigued, and followed up. Turned up an interesting website. Pretty simple and straightforward compared to some other's doing the same journey. This photo is , according to Creed, mid Atlantic, but as best I can make out, Aron is now sailing from the Maldives towards Oman. Aron has a Google Earth tracker in place. Catch up with a real adventurer.
Check out this post (http://www.wetsand.com/blogs/blog/20070912/welcome_to_the_tuamoutus-289.html) by Liz Clark who is sailing surfing her way around the planet. I believe she ran into Aron in the Tuamoutus.
He sure looks older and fuzzier on Liz Clark's blog – so does the boat :-)
My boat is named Carina also.
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