In 2112
dundee bridged built in 1929 Camaret, skipper: Jean Yves Quillivic - Kervoazec Plouhine
main features: length
15 m width: 4,19 m GRT: 29.67 tx engine: 75 hp Diesel
"Hallelujah" had Camaret (CM 2363) where it was rigged as a sloop hull white, he was already practicing fishing for lobsters on the English coast and relaxed sometimes at St Ives.
The sloop Hallelujah, CM 2363 sailed from Newlyn to sail (and paddles)
Many thanks to the National Maritime Museum of Greenwich

TU PE Duanne
In 2419
Ad 405789
troller built in 1956 to Plouhinec
Kersaudy site / Gourlaouen
skipper: Jacques Le Ga
main features; length:
7.50 m width: 2.85 m Gross tonnage: 3.28 tx engine: 15 hp CLM
Armed with fishing early in his career, "Annie" will be sold at the pleasure twice, bought by Joseph Cariou, it will be renamed "Bertrand"
Note that the boat will be reset to the fishery after 1965 for some time, he will return to the marina and is still visible today Audierne
In 2419 Annie
Bertrand AD 4057
foreground "Saviour of Small" lug Bigoudin

Aster de Mer
In 2563
decked canoe built in 1956 in Pont L'Abbé
skipper: Charles Raoul
main features; length:7 m width: 2.6 m Gross tonnage: 1.74 tx engine: 22 hp Bolinders
Reached Audierne in 1964 from the district Guilvinec (GV 7691), "Aster Seas" wrecked on the bar Audierne September 5, 1966. The accident did fortunately no casualties but the boat was seriously damaged and had to be demolished Feb. 6, 1967

In 2461
Ad 279010
not decked canoe built in 1959 in the island of Sein
Louis starts Tanguy
skippeer: Joseph Milliner
main features; length:6.40 m width: 3.03 m Gross tonnage: 4.18 tx engine: 20 hp Bolinders
Bolontez Gifted, Brittany expression meaning "God"

Caprice FLOTS
In 2601
AD 184855
troller built in 1966 in Douarnenez
Site Jean Marie Tanguy
Skippper: Paul Milliner - Ile de Sein
main features;length:6.87 m Width: m GRT: 5.41 tx engine: 41 hp MWM
Incorporated by Eric Losq Plogoff, it was then registered in district of Douarnenez. He is now finishing his life quietly in the cemetery of boats Locquéran
in the port of Breast with Vagabond Islands (photo G) and with Hope in God (photo D)
the bar in the Raz

In 2666
Ad 279097
potters / long liner / shell built in 1970 to Freight
Construction Stipon
Skipper: Follic François (François Cyclone) - Ile de Sein
main features; length: 9 mwidth: 3.58 m GRT: 7.97 tx engine: 90 hp Baudouin
During a campaign Jacques scallops in the harbor of Brest, "Cyclone" hook a former anchor in the middle of the pool shell and sink. It will then be salvaged and sold to La Rochelle.
Follic Francois (Francois said cyclone, named after his old boat) has long been the patron of the "City of Paris" SNSM the canoe from the island of Sein
the bar in the "Trouziard" also said the Torpedo channel (Raz de Sein in the Old)
A Breast is not only a tradition to name the boat to his boss, it's almost a necessity as many surnames are identical (Spinec, Guilcher, Follic, Milliner, Fouquet ...). Jos Fouquet told me that at one point there were 17 Joseph Fouquet on the island ...
After the accident in the harbor of Brest, "Cyclone" will turn to the districts of Saint Brieuc and then Sables d 'Olonne under the name "Candy" and then to La Rochelle in 2005 still under the same namPhoto taken shortly after the accident at the port entrance channel. The boat was towed to the level of ASM to clear the password input port where it presented a danger

pinnace deck built in 19s50 to Audierne
Glehen site
Boss: François Priol - Mountain Audierne
main features;length:
15 width: 4.16 GRT: 23.12 engine: 100 hp Meuse
Anchorage St. Ives
Failed to Locquéran cemetery alongside Annette Frances and St. Michael, the bow into the sea, there are still clearly the distinctive blue hull

At 2409
dundee lobster boat built in 1956 to Audierne
Peter starts Glehen
boss Yves Moalic
main featureslength:
15.80 m width: 4.95 m Gross Tonnage: 28.37 tx engine: 80 hp Baudouin DK4
Newlyn 25 october 1981 by Michael Pellowe
"Etoile d'Arvor" sold to the island of Yeu in May 1967 (YE 274512) was wrecked in 1980 on the set of barges at the port of Les Sables d 'Olonne after a human error, 'There were fortunately no casualties were reported.

In 1952
decked sloop built in 1928 in Les Sables d'Olonne
Boss: Peter Gouzien - Plouhinec
main features; length:12.46 m width: Gt: ttx engine: 50 hp CLM
"Flower of Lisieux" was first registered in the district Guilvinec (GV 5619) he came to Audierne in 1936, it was demolished in 1953

In 2269
decked canoe built in 1948 in Douarnenez
boss Dominique Fouquet - Ile de Sein
main features; length:
9.30 m width: 3.03 m Gross tonnage: 4.68 tx engine: 15 hp and 40 hp DK2 Baldwin in 1965
Still an evocative name of the tragic events of 40 years for this boat Senan built in 1948 ...

In 2329
AD 278990
pinnace deck built in 1951 to Léchiagat (29)
Jules Baltic shipyard
Boss: Jacques Trividic - Plouhinec
main features; length:
14.02 width: 4.70 GRT: 20.58 tx engine: 120hp Baldwin in 1957
"Jacques Herve" will be sold in England in June 1977
Embarkation of the purse seine
The right photo shows the differences in shipbuilding for two boats to substantially identical characteristics: one can notice a certain roundness of forms of "Jean Claude" which is not found in "Jacques Herve" which, built in guilvinec, but rather resembles those forms malamocks more square.

In 2270
pinnace deck built in 1948 in Douarnenez
Boss: Mens
main features; length:11.57 m width: 3.73 m Gross Tonnage: 9.7 tx engine: 25 hp Baudouin then 36 hp Vialis

MENEZ Sant Yann
to St. Ives in the early 60
Donnard Francis, the patron at the center of the photo
Francis Mac Williams with the mat.

In 2631
Ad 279075
troller built in 1967 in Belz
boss Louis Normant
principales longueur characteristics: 8,91 m Width: 2.90 m Gross tonnage: 4.38 tx engine: 60 hp
"Lead Veil" is a district of the parish of Plouhinec Poulgoazec, birthplace of (almost ...) of all fishermen Plouhinec. Redeemed Christian Pelaud, it will become "Kélarnec" first name before being renamed "Mab Ar Mor" by Erwan Le Gall and perishing in the flames of the plan in 1988 Mellick

In 2546
Ad 279040
troller built in 1963 in Breast
Site Jean Marie Tanguy
Boss: Richard Alexis (Lec) - Ile de Sein
main features; length:
7 m width: 2.85 m Gross tonnage: 2.58 tx engine: Perkins 40 hp
Alexis Richard, having been the Lady of the Sacred Heart St. Yves will build on the Ile de Sein in Jean Marie Tanguy
Alexis Richard also commanded the Boss Francis Hervis, canoe SNSM Island.
Acquired by Louis Arhan, "Saintyves" will be re-engined and has a wheelhouse shelter

Trouz AR MOR
At 2655
AD 279091
potters / shell built in 1969 to Camaret
Boss: Cletus Chevert Ile de Sein
main features; length:
9.40 m width: 3,90 m Gross tonnage: 5.97 tx engine: 100 hp Baudouin DB3
Sold at first in the neighborhood of Paimpol, it will then increase to that of Auray, where he became "Brenn Ar Mor.
He is still active to this day in Trinidad s / mer (06-2008)

In 2548
Ad 279041
troller built in 1963 to Plouhinec
Kersaudy site / Gourlaouen
Boss: Marcel Pennamen - Plogoff
main features; length:8.36 m Width: m Gross tonnage: 5.60 tx engine: Renault 58 Kw
"Pe Tu Du" is the translation of Breton "on one side or the other"
It would be resumed later by Michel Belledic Plogoff and renamed "Ty Amo"
Another liner, plastic nuts, took the name of Tu Du Pe Audierne
all photos and other material courtesy
Les "dundees" motorisés d'Audierne
La flottille des langoustiers et thoniers du Cap-Sizun
some of the photos are signed, the others unnatributed
"Through this site, I wish to revive the lobster, tuna and sardine which were prosperous port Audierne between 1930 and 1980, a time when fishing weighed its weight in the economy of the entire Cape Sizun.
I would also like to pay tribute to all those bosses and fishermen, proud and brave, their families, especially those who have sacrificed their lives for their commitment to this noble profession.
The purpose of this site is to present the fishing boats of that era, I can not ignore the remarkable work of all craftsmen and laborers, carpenters, sail boats, mechanics, blacksmiths, electricians who built these boats strong and armed and elegant, beautiful book certainly as evidenced by the few units still visible today.
A thought also to operators of nostalgic "Radio Conquet" which for years have been a valuable link between the boats and families ashore."
So goes the introduction to a veritable treasure chest. Les Dundees is a photo archive, and an historic documentation, of commercial fishing on the Breton coast, centered around Audierne and Isle de Sein. It is an unparalleled tableaux, a rich feast of history. This work spans the decades from 1930 to 1980 and chronicles, indirectly, the transition from sail to diesel. With great attention to detail, this archivist brings to life the boats and the life of the Breton fishermen. There are four main groups, Le langoustier and sardinier, lobster and crab boats, Les thonier, tuna boats, Les cotiers, inshore boats , and Les hommes, devoted to sailors. Though ostensibly about the boats, this site is ultimately about the lives of fisherman told through the boats and through photographs of crew. It is without doubt one of the richest and deepest evocations of a transitional period of human endeavor I've found to date, I think it's rather profound, though it doesn't present itself that way. You'll find the presentation a bit antiquated, innocent and charming, but there's great stuff here. And be forewarned, you could lose hours, even days, taking the site in. It is a vast amount of material. What I've presented here is the merest tiny tip of the iceberg. Please risk it, you'll be greatly rewarded. Here .
I would like to apologize for the clumsy translation vis a vis the captions, I don't have french and was defaulted to using a translator, but really, that shouldn't get in the way. Enjoy
I would also like to pay tribute to all those bosses and fishermen, proud and brave, their families, especially those who have sacrificed their lives for their commitment to this noble profession.
The purpose of this site is to present the fishing boats of that era, I can not ignore the remarkable work of all craftsmen and laborers, carpenters, sail boats, mechanics, blacksmiths, electricians who built these boats strong and armed and elegant, beautiful book certainly as evidenced by the few units still visible today.
A thought also to operators of nostalgic "Radio Conquet" which for years have been a valuable link between the boats and families ashore."
So goes the introduction to a veritable treasure chest. Les Dundees is a photo archive, and an historic documentation, of commercial fishing on the Breton coast, centered around Audierne and Isle de Sein. It is an unparalleled tableaux, a rich feast of history. This work spans the decades from 1930 to 1980 and chronicles, indirectly, the transition from sail to diesel. With great attention to detail, this archivist brings to life the boats and the life of the Breton fishermen. There are four main groups, Le langoustier and sardinier, lobster and crab boats, Les thonier, tuna boats, Les cotiers, inshore boats , and Les hommes, devoted to sailors. Though ostensibly about the boats, this site is ultimately about the lives of fisherman told through the boats and through photographs of crew. It is without doubt one of the richest and deepest evocations of a transitional period of human endeavor I've found to date, I think it's rather profound, though it doesn't present itself that way. You'll find the presentation a bit antiquated, innocent and charming, but there's great stuff here. And be forewarned, you could lose hours, even days, taking the site in. It is a vast amount of material. What I've presented here is the merest tiny tip of the iceberg. Please risk it, you'll be greatly rewarded. Here .
I would like to apologize for the clumsy translation vis a vis the captions, I don't have french and was defaulted to using a translator, but really, that shouldn't get in the way. Enjoy
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