Thursday, October 6, 2011

Mid Atlantic Small Craft Festival XXIX

Barry Long's recently completed melonseed skiff Aeon.

I was drawn to the boat immediately on entering the festival grounds.

She's meticulously crafted, as is most of what Barry does.

There is a lengthy and beautifully photographed record of this build at Berry's website, Eye in Hand.
Nice commentary, as well.

Aeon is one of a pair of melonseeds Barry built simultaneously.

Here's the other:


Well done Barry

Tom Shepard, Wen Byar et al showed up with the Marion Brewington, down from the Independence Seaport Museum.

Mike Wick brought his brand new Cortez melonseed Moogie.

photo courtesy John Guidera

She took on a little water, but Mike will soon have that remedied.

Tied up next to Mike was this smart little catspaw dingy Vairea, a Joel White design owned by Joe Manning.

Jon Harris of CLC was back with his very roomy Pocketship.

Rick Urban brought his Swampscott dory Old Spice and a very convincing canine.

Jay Eberle with his Oughtred Ness Yawl Sara and Damian Siekonic's nicely restored sea bright skiff Persephone, built by C. Hankins in 1985.

Notice the deadeyes. Damian's company Privateer Media specializes in providing all manner of support to those doing historical productions, including boats.

I haven't been able to identify these two decked sailing canoes...

but felt it a shame not to include them. Help, anyone?

Pegasus is a Sam Crocker raised deck Stone Horse.

She is a member of the CBMM's flotilla.

Here's Dale Davenport paddling his Cape Falcon F1, a skin on frame kayak designed by Brian Schultz.
You can download the free plans for this boat here.

Obadiah, a Joel White Marsh Cat

She is owned by Dr. Pete Peters,

and was built by Marc Barto. Marc is a shipwright at the museum and known for his melonseed plans.

Another Marsh Cat, named Frankford Yellow Jacket.

Owner Ned Asplundh explained that the name refers to a Philadelphia professional football team of yesteryear. Ned and Mike Wick are the co-editors of the Ash Breeze, the publication of the TSCA. The latest edition has an engaging article on the history of the MASCF.

Yet another Marsh Cat, this one is Comfort, owned by Doug Oeller

The beautifully restored and maintained Edna E Lockwood

A Chesapeake Bay bugeye, she is the last of her kind, and designated a National Historic Landmark.

Nearby was this little beauty, obviously a Chesapeake type and probably also an oyster craft, but I have yet to identify her, presumably also a CBMM boat. (John Ford wrote to me recently to inform me that the boat is an Egret Sharpie based on a Chapelle design [so not a Chesapeake type after all] and donated to the museum. She will likely be used in the museum's educational program.)

Speaking of beautifully restored and maintained, here's Ric Carrion aboard Elf. The restoration and preservation of Elf have become the nexus of Ric's life and he is passionate about her. Ric said he'd be leaving Sunday morning to begin making his way to Philadelphia and the Independence Seaport Museum's wooden boat fest, this coming weekend.

Nearest in this photo is Tim Shaw in his skin on frame outrigger canoe Al Demany Chiman.
Tim, where's that sailing rig?

A father and son pair of Canvasbacks, designed by Karl Stambaugh.

Here we are back again to Sara.

After a long chat Dale and Jay invited me to a sail. I had written about these two in my report of the first MASCF I attended back in 2008, when Dale brought his Caledonia Yawl as well. Dale recently sold that boat and is moving both to larger and smaller

Here's that lovely lug main.

Looks as though we're having fun!

A great way to end my visit, my thanks to Jay and Dale

There may be a few of these still available. Contact the museum.

all photos Thomas Armstrong with exceptions noted

The 29th Mid Atlantic Small Craft Festival took place last weekend in St. Michaels MD on the campus of the Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum. For the first time in my four years of attendance the weather was a bit less than perfect, and while that may have contributed to there being a few less onlookers, it in no way diminished the number or enthusiasm of the participants. This is a spirited gathering of like minded folk who come together to celebrate their passion for small craft. Many of the boats are built by their owners and certainly almost all maintained by them. Hands on. It's a pleasure to be in their company and the enthusiasm is contagious. I'd also say the museum and volunteer staff are gracious and accommodating. What fun.
Mike Wick sent me the 'race' results:

MASCF 2011 Sailing Order of Finish
# Name Vessel
131 Tom Johns Sunfish
64 Al Fittipaldi Thistle
134 Harold Bernard Annalie Glen-L 15
21 George Surgent Buna-Monia , Crotch Island Pinkie
13 Pete Peters Obadiah Marshcat
104 George Loos N/N Blue Jay
67 Kevin Brennan Slip Jig Navigator
31 Lawrence Haff Red Dragon Sailing Canoe
#53B Scott Lavertue Calico Jack Coquina
32 Dennis Keener Whisper Sharpie Skiff
111 Gail Sheppard Sea Hound
26 Carl Weissinger Baguette, Sandbagger
145 John Depa N/N Sailing Canoe
112 Tom Shephard Marion Brewington, Tuckup
118 Mike Wick Moggie Cortez Melonseed
28 Jay Bliss Haiku
69 Jay Eberly SARA
43 Doug Oeller Comfort, Marshcat
87a Marie Cobb Bonito
9 Steve Layden Pigwidgeon
48 John England Hannah Banana, Sailing Sharpie
44 Ned Asplundh Frankford Yellow Jacket Marshcat
73 Reade &Molly James Faith
87b Ed & Michelle Cobb Kermit S.F. Pelicanilh.

Apparently there was a bit of a blow outside the harbor, as Mike quipped per email:

"Only the strong survived."

Looking forward to next year.

Special thanks to John Ford at the CBMM for his assistance.

Orignally posted by Thomas Armstrong via 70.8%

1 comment:

  1. Those sailing canoes look like signs of Bob LaVertue and Dan Sutherland! Bob ran Springfield Fan Centerboard Co. and Dan builds boats in the Adirondacks. You should definitely look them up!

    Thanks for the report. Haven't been down there for a number of years. Great memories, great friends!
