Tuesday, September 20, 2011


The Adversaries

My ship for the day, bark Gazela

AJ Meerwald

Kalmar Nyckel

Summer Wind

Our Crew

The mate Patrick Flynn instructs the crew about the days action

Capt. Scott Cointot addresses the crew


Getting Underway

Down the long sweep of Gazela's deck, making ready to bring in the stern lines

And doing so

Ship's boat brought aboard

Hoisting the Mainsail...

takes effort!

Up she goes

and the main staysail

and two jibs or foresails

Drawing wind

Captains confer. Scott Cointot with John Brady, acting CEO of the Seaport Museum

Beat to Quarters

Our pirate lookout

Ready for battle

Closing with the Nyckel and the Meerwald

In position to broadside the Nyckel



Our guns were small but had quite a kick!

Battleship New Jersey salutes the battle.

The captain of the Summer Wind takes aim...

and the Pirate King is felled.

The Kalmar Nyckel raises a sail.

Days End

Jibs down

Stays'l down

And the main

A little help into our dock

Tossing the line to tie us fast.

all photos Thomas Armstrong

It was my good fortune to be invited aboard the Gazela for last Sunday's mock pirate battle on the Delaware River, part of the Independence Seaport Museum's month long Philadelphia Seaport Festival. Great fun and my first sail aboard a large ship. Fascinating. We had a beautiful day for it, as you can see. For those attending at the museum there was an announcer doing a play by play. My impression from on board was of at least a hundred or so souls enjoying from shore. This is the events first year and I'm sure it will prove popular.
Other upcoming events include the Philadelphia Cup Regatta on October 1 and the 4th Annual Philadelphia Wooden Boat Festival. The AJ Meerwald ill be attending this year and offering sails to the public. This will be my third visit to the wooden boat fest. To read about last year's click here. This festival is growing every year and a real treat. Gonna be some great boats this year.
See you there.


  1. Thanks for the photos! I enjoyed them, since I was away working on other boats. By the way, Gazela is actually a barkentine, not a barque.
