In the basin, Schooner 'Hindu' and the 'AJ Meerwarld'
'Schooner Hindu'
'Hindu' sails out of Key West and is available for charter.
She dates from 1925, a William Hand design built by Hodgdon Brothers in East Boothbay, ME.
John Schwarzenbach soaking up the 'Hindu' ambience.
A pair of pirate wenches
Paul Grey and Josh Rowan. Josh is the skipper of 'Hindu' and his father Bill the owner.
Paul owns the schooner 'Quintessence' which he charters out of Barnegat Bay.
The AJ Meerwald'
The 'Meerwald is New Jersey's tall ship.
Home port is Bivalve, NJ and like most of the boats (ships) at the festival is an educational venture, under the auspices of The Bayshore Center at Bivalve.
Jesse A Briggs is captain of the restored 1928 oyster dredging schooner.
Schooner 'Virginia'
This 'Virginia' is a replica launched in 2004.
The original 'Virginia', launched in 1916, was commissioned by the Virginia Pilot's Association and designed "along the lines of an America's Cup defender! Her history is quite compelling.
John Brady at the helm of one of the ISM's whaleboats on the rather choppy waters of the Delaware River, passing by 'Schooner Virgina's port side.
Barkentine 'Gazella'
Looking aft onboard 'Gazela'
Detail, 'Gazella'
Detail, 'Gazella'
Tug 'Jupiter'. 'Jupiter' and 'Gazella' are maintained and deployed by the Philadelphia Ship Preservation Guild.
'Pride of Baltimore II'
Gig and RIB amidships
'Pride' flying the colors
'Pride II' and many of the other ships present headed down to Baltimore for The Great Chesapeake Bay Schooner Race.
Kalmar Nyckel is the most dramatically decorated boat at the festival.
She's a replica of the Dutch Pinnace built in Amsterdam c. 1625 and sailed to the New World in 1638 to establish a Swedish Colony.
The Colony was dubbed New Sweden, at the head of the Delaware Bay, which is now Wilmington Delaware.
New Sweden was the first permanent European settlement in the Delaware Valley. Here is her grand poop deck.
Schooner 'Mystic Whaler' is a charter vessel sailing out of New London CT
The Brady bunch rowing past 'Mystic Whaler'
'Mystic Whaler' was built in 1967 , a reproduction of a late 19thC. coastal cargo schooner.
She even has a brick grill! These folks know how to do it.
One of the smaller boats at the festival was this 14 1/2' Pacific Pelican, built by Allan Hedgers in Greenich, NJ
Owner Floyd Beam reconfigured the mast with this tabernacle system which allows him to continue to sail the boat singlehanded despite some back issues.
The charming H 28 'Gwylan' again returned with owner Roger Pritchard at her helm.
There were a bevy of vendors this year, and I found these guys the most amusing, by a long shot.
The aforementioned John Schwarzenbach's sweet little Comet was beautifully restored at the ISM's workshop.
Framed by the bowsprits of both 'Hindu' and 'Meerwald', the 'Pride of Baltimore II'
copyright Thomas Armstrong
I have to hand it to John Brady, his staff and the volunteers at the Independence Seaport Museum. John had a vision a couple of years ago about how to grow this festival and it's paying off. There were more ships (7), more visitors and more vendors than ever before, despite dire weather forecasts, which as you can see from my photos, did not hold sway. I went down on Sunday, it was a beautiful day, a bit windy. These ships are amazing, every one of them, and seem to be a big hit with the public. All the schooners present traveled on down to Baltimore after the festival to compete in the Great Chesapeake Bay Schooner Race.
My only disappointment was the paucity of small craft, which I am sure will be rectified in the future.
I have given more attention to ships new to the festival this year. If you'd like more of 'Gazella', 'Meerwald', 'Pride of Baltimore II' and the 'Kalmar Nyckel', see my post from last year.This is a great festival, and growing, make plans to attend next year!
We had a wonderful time at the festival, and so did our teenage sons. We bought a family membership to the ISM that day!
ReplyDeleteReally nice photos. Thank you for that...