Sunday, March 6, 2011

Largesse at Mystic Seaport






While working through Carl Swebilus' massive thread on the
WoodenBoat Forum, there was a lot of compelling material I had to pass by in order to stay focused on the story of the ongoing work of restoring the CW Morgan (see my previous posts). Carl's material is very rich, and lifts the veil for those of us not privy to 'behind the scenes' at this great resource. One of the most striking glimpses was a view into the sheer immensity of the collection and stores at Mystic Seaport. I felt compelled to share a bit of that here. As the work on the Morgan continues towards a 2012 splash, I will likely update the progress. And I will soon have a first post for the building project on the whaleboats for the Morgan.


  1. Candy store. Makes Beaton's look small-time. Maybe because it is. Nice array of photos!

  2. excelent! with these pictures we obtain a more truly idea of the importance of this museum. Possibilities of producing projects for the future are immense. About the waling boats, I had the previlege of visiting a couple of builders in the Azores, (ilha do Pico) and their old plans are in inglish and the measurements in inches... they buld them in the exact same manner you described in uper psts. Thnaks for your blog.
