'Salarøy is a 41' fembøring, a Norwegian workboat in Tromsø Norway. Courtesy Hildringstimens båtgalleri - http://www.hildringstimen.no/batlista.htm
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Wanted: Robert Tucker Silhouette
A reader recently inquired as to whether I could put him in touch with either the buyer or seller of a Tucker designed Silhouette which I had written about back in July of '09. The boat was selling on ebay and looked to be a good deal. I have no further info on that boat, but offered a post to see if we could scare anything up. Here's what they're looking for:
"I am looking for a vintage Hurley Marine Twin Bilge Keel 17.5 Silhouette sailboat. I would prefer a fiberglass model Mk3 or the Mk V, but will consider an older wooden Mkll in good condition. Original trailer a plus. The boat pictured (top three photos, ed.) was sold in 2007 on the Eastern Shore - if anyone knows the location of this boat and how to contact the new owner, or another available Silhouette - please contact me.
All leads / contacts will be greatly appreciated.
Being a fan of Tucker designs in general and this one especially in wood, I've helped myself to a few pics from the Silhouette Owners International Association website, which has a richly presented history of these boats.
Anyone who has such a craft in North America to sell or knows of one, please write me and I'll pass it along to the reader. Let's find this person their boat!