Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Orkney Yole Calendar

Arriving home yesterday I found a very welcome surprise! I had reserved a calendar with the Orkney Yole Association, but hadn't got round to sending my payment. Nonetheless, there it was, air mailed through the Royal Mail. And it's delightful! The Association is doing some great things up there at the ends of the earth. They may still have a calendar or two left as well, inquire through their website. Member Len Wilson politely reminded me that the Orcadians are not Gaels, but have Viking heritage. Their boats were imported to the more western Islands, however, which may explain the similarities. I'll likely be writing more about this group soon, but in the meantime, give yourself a treat and visit the website. And maybe there's still a calendar for you (great photo's, but I've given away enough here).

Ok, ok, I'm sending the payment. Thanks, Len.

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